Data Extraction Consultation

Academic Research Services (ARS) provides this data extraction service including the extraction of de-identified, aggregate, and identified patient data sets from UCSF Medical Center, BCH Oakland, and SFDPH data sources.

Request Clinical Data for Research

To access UCSF, BCH Oakland, and ZSFG electronic health records for a research project:

  1. Submit a request using the “Request Consultation” button on the right side of this page.
  2. Once you have submitted your consultation request, you will receive a detailed questionnaire to complete.
  3. After you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a Microsoft Bookings link to schedule a time to meet with a consultant.

To prepare for your consultation:

  1. We have provided a sample Data Specification Form. Please feel free to review it before your scheduled consultation.
  2. Your consultant will complete your data specification during your initial consultation.
  3. All data extraction work is assigned to an Academic Research Systems (ARS) analyst and will be billed through the ARS recharge.

Data Codes

Use the Pick List tools to prepare for your extraction request. The Pick Lists include the most commonly used data codes to help define variables needed for your research and to define your cohort. Find codes for: 

  • Diagnoses
  • Meds
  • Labs
  • Procedures
  • Flowsheet
  • Departments
  • Smart Data Elements





Download Links: (Excel via UCSF Box)



Request Consultation

Hourly recharge fees may apply

Click here for more information on Data Extraction rates from Academic Research Systems


Please send comments or questions to CTSI Consultation Services:
Email: [email protected]

If you have not been contacted by a member of the consulting team within three business days of submitting your request, please get in touch with us.

About Your Request

Cite CTSI CTSI heavily subsidizes consultations. Any publications that benefit from a consultation should cite the CTSI grant.

By submitting a request, you agree to provide feedback and a short evaluation of our services, providing the titles of manuscripts or grants resulting from your consultation(s) upon request.