Participant Recruitment Services Consultation

Get help with recruitment, including:

  • EHR Recruitment – MyChart and Recruitment Letter Service
  • Strategies for recruitment of underrepresented populations
  • Advice on recruitment services and resources at UCSF
  • Help with Social Media for recruitment 
  • Optimize recruitment materials
  • Research Accessibility Consultations – provided in partnership with the Office of Disability Access and Inclusion:
    • Thank you for ensuring disability access for research participants. Get advice on responding to reasonable accommodation requests from participants or potential participants during screening or study visits.  [Please note: CTSI does not approve and facilitate accommodations requests, however consultation is available. Access is the responsibility of the research unit.] 
    • Please ensure individuals with disabilities are not screened out due to their disability (either the condition being studied or another condition), and/or screened out due to need for reasonable accommodations. Please submit a CTSI Consultation Services intake form prior to denying accommodations whenever possible.”



Please send comments or questions to CTSI Consultation Services:
Email: [email protected]

If you have not been contacted by a member of the consulting team within three business days of submitting your request, please get in touch with us.

About Your Request

Cite CTSI CTSI heavily subsidizes consultations. Any publications that benefit from a consultation should cite the CTSI grant.

By submitting a request, you agree to provide feedback and a short evaluation of our services, providing the titles of manuscripts or grants resulting from your consultation(s) upon request.